Archimago wrote: 
> Lets see if the RightMark results deteriorate with increased CPU usage
> (all done with WiFi @ 60% strength, EDO kernel, analogue output
> measured):
> 14431
> Bottom line: I still see no evidence of high CPU use causing significant
> change to the audio output...  If there is something, it must be below
> the noise floor of the Touch DAC. Likewise, the Touch seems to have
> decent headroom for 24/192 playback as well. IMO, it's more important
> then to make sure there's enough data bandwidth (ie. use ethernet when
> you can!) than worry about CPU usage causing audio degradation in
> standard usage. Server side decoding understandably increases the risk
> of needing to rebuffer and offers no advantage as far as I can tell
> compared to native FLAC decoding.
> Usual disclaimer of course is that the measurements are with test
> signals which may not represent the same performance with real music.

Thanks Archimango - good stuff. Nice to know that the analogue outs
aren't measurably affected by CPU utilisation. That is what my ears are
telling me too.

As a side issue, I notice that SP/DIF input to my 851c sounds quite a
bit better than via USB 2.0 High speed (or USB 1.0 Full speed). It
sounds quite soft and rolled off. I might try to replicate your tests
(seeing as I have the same gear) and see if this is measurable.


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