Archimago wrote: 
> Hi Mnyb. Yeah, it's hard to get a sense of what the limit of the ADC is
> but I agree that the Transporter XLR is hitting the limits already... In
> comparison to Stereophile's AP measurements, I suspect I'm maybe missing
> the bottom most 3-4dB of what the Transporter is capable of.
> As for the E-MU 0404USB, here are a few numbers in RCA loopback mode -
> not bad as a DAC itself! Internal DAC chip AKM AK4396 (same as
> Transporter).
> Setup: AMD Phenom X4 laptop <--> USB2 <--> E-MU 0404USB (RCA loopback)
> Summary compared with Transporter XLR:
> 14503
> The jitter is really good for the E-MU also (async USB2) - as clean as
> the Transporter (24/48 J-Test):
> 14500
> With digital silence playing, here's what the noise floor looks like:
> 14501
> A few spikes noted, the tallest about -135dB down.
> Noise floor zoomed into 0-100Hz range - notice essentially no 60Hz
> pollution:
> 14502
> For such an inexpensive unit, I'm impressed! As I said before, doing
> these tests have been quite educational and will certainly let me
> objectively compare performance of every line-level device including
> cable changes I add to my system in the future. IMO this is invaluable
> and way better than listening to "audiophile reviewers".
> BTW: When Sean Adams said AES/EBU was inferior to SPDIF, was this in
> reference to the standard in general or specifically to the
> Transporter's implementation? Wondering why this would be given the
> balanced cable's superior noise rejection ability; at worse I would have
> thought they'd be equivalent. I always imagined AES/EBU to have the
> "best of both worlds" - better jitter characteristics than TosLink, and
> better electrical noise suppression than coaxial.
Archimago,  thanks for posting Logitech touch and transporter
measurements. It would be really good to have this post in front of all
the measurements you have posted. It is good to see what your measuring
hardware is capable of. Though ideally you would measure the ADC on
something like AP2722. I've been using RMAA for years until I got access
to AP tools.  
If I get a chance I will measure transporter and touch jitter on AP2722
and share the results.
PS: it's funny, about 4-5 years ago I was considering Behringer 2496 for
room correction in the same fashion you are using it now (digital in
digital out). I run full range speakers with 2 subs. I had a few
questions about how delay works, but their customer support wasn't very

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