ralphpnj wrote: 
> Don't worry I wasn't upset however it was and is worthwhile to point out
> the differences between a real test and an informal comparison. By the
> way, what color and length extension chord are you using because
> different colors and lengths can both make a night and day difference to
> the sound. A short (3 foot) red chord sounds completely different from
> long (18 foot) black chord. You know you really should make an effort to
> control these variables before you make an definite statements :)
> Aside: Jeff are you really located in Bratislava? Because if you are and
> my Czech wife finds out that I've been exchanging forum posts with a
> Slovakian there will be hell to pay :)

No I'm not in Bratislava...that's a long story but I'm in the US. I'm
currently using a generic brown six feet extension cord but I have a
white one I might try too. I had not considered that the color might
also influence the sound but that stands to reason as I have read a lot
about coloration of sound. I guess I need to be more open-minded about
tweaking. I don't know whether it was a Freudian slip, but I did notice
your reference to an extension chord rather than cord. :)

I think I'll remove all of my acoustical treatments and start
experimenting with different color interconnects, speaker cables and
extension cords in order to tune things in that fashion. Perhaps I will
find something and then will be in a position to comment about it; of
course using audiophile approved phraseology and terminology.

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