Jeff52 wrote: 
> Gee Ralph with that kind of a "test", how could you form any conclusion?
> I thought you were the resident keeper of the Holy Grail of objectivity,
> but maybe you have changed. :)

Which is exactly why I clearly stated that it was a very informal test.
The reasons for the lack of a more rigorous test are that I already own
devices, I was only doing the comparison ("comparison" is much better
word for what I did rather than "test") to satisfy my own curiosity and
I didn't publish the results as a definite review in some high end audio
magazine or on some high end audio blog. Plus it's really hard work to
set up a properly run double blind test, hard work that the so called
paid professionals who do write for high end audio magazines SHOULD be
doing and since they refuse to do this hard work I call them CLOWNS.
Funny how they can spend months listening to $200,000 pieces of
equipment, write in detail about how they struggled to get the equipment
set up (often with the help of the company president or representative),
agonized over their choices of music and strained their feeble minds to
remember how the last piece of borrowed mega-buck equipment sounded but
they can't make the effort to do at least one direct comparison, let
alone a properly conducted double blind test. So CLOWNS they remain.

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