Archimago wrote: 
> Nice concept.  Of course if we wanted to make it entertaining reality
> TV, we better have a hot hostess (given the primarily male demographic)
> doing the interviews, switching & slinging cables (AudioQuest, Monster,
> Crystal - you guys interested?), turning knobs (McIntosh - imagine a
> pretty young model posing beside on of your classic bad boys!),
> positioning speakers (Focal - imagine just how MANLY a 260kg Grande
> Utopia EM would look beside that slim hostess!) and various other
> contortions.
> Otherwise, wouldn't be much fun watching middle-aged or older men
> sitting around doing AB tests commenting about 'veils' and such...  :-)

Regarding "AudioQuest, Monster, Crystal - you guys interested?" - Are
you serious? That's like asking Exxon-Mobil to help fund a series on
climate change. Remember: always follow the money!

Mnyb wrote: 
> You could enhance the show by cutting to a real scientist explaining how
> this really works or how some tweak not work , explaining real physics
> thatÂ’s interesting all by itself.
> In my mind there different kinds of tweaks .
> Pure voodoo nothing happens everybody can agree .
> Things that actually change something but to such a tiny degree or in
> such a way that it is completely inconsequential and thus inaudible
> anyway ,this can take more explaining .
> Tweaks that makes large enough difference to be audible but actually
> makes things worse and the audiophile is trapped in the "different is
> better" fallacy.

Really nice thoughts on tweaks. Some so called "tweaks" are little more
than simple good practices, such as proper system and speaker setup. I
am often amazed at how badly some people have their audio systems set
up. For example surround sound systems with the rear speakers placed up
in the corners where the ceiling meets the wall or left and right
speakers sitting right next to each other.

Mnyb wrote: 
> If the production budget allowed the hosts/hostess could be top class
> musicians participating in the test and could not hear s... preferably
> while using records they play on :)

Speaking of audio myths, the above is one of my favorite, i.e. that
musicians and pro audio people are somehow more "golden eared" than the
normal audiophile. This is simply not true. Many musicians and pro audio
people have terrible sounding audio systems in their own homes.

Julf wrote: 
> At some point I was hoping to get Pen & Teller to do a "BS" episode on
> audiophoolery... Meanwhile we have 'Monty's videos'
> (, 'Ethan Winer's workshops'
> (, and stuff like
> 'rationalwiki's piece on audiophiles'
> (

Very nice links. Just remember that whatever the producers of the Audio
Myth Busters might be able to pay Pen & Teller for their services, the
cables manufacturers would more than double the sum to have Pen & Teller
stay home. Remember: always follow the money!

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