ralphpnj wrote: 
> Audiophile digital audio flow chart/time line:
> Middle aged audiophile would like to get in on the computer based audio
> revolution and being an audiophile he only buys the best so therefore
> the computer he owns is a Mac, since Macs are the best computers. From
> here it all goes downhill.
> Macs do not play flac files so only wav files will do and since Macs are
> the best computers wav files MUST be better than flac files. Articles
> are published in the lapdog audio press stating that flac files do
> indeed sound inferior to wav files. No real proof of this assertion is
> provided.
> The most common way to play digital audio files from a Mac is by using
> the USB connection. Please note that audiophiles do not consider
> Squeezeboxes to be "real" audio components since although these devices
> are well reviewed by the audio press all the reviewers clearly state
> that they only use these devices to stream low fidelity internet audio
> for background listening and never use these devices for serious
> listening or as a basis for comparison to disc based players. Jitter
> tests clearly show that normal USB connections, even from Macs, are
> filled with lots of very evil jitter so the asynchronous USB craze is
> launched which in turn leads to the overall anti-jitter craze. Please
> note that the anti-jitter crusade is based on measurements and the
> statements of a few golden eared audio gurus who claim to clearly hear
> the effects of jitter, something that audio science tells us is
> impossible for normal humans.
> So in summary: my SPDIF connection from my SB Touch to my Headroom DAC
> is now filled with very nasty jitter all because audiophiles have Macs!
> God am I upset!

This lack of easy FLAC support in Mac (ie. native FLAC in iTunes) is
truly ridiculous and epitomizes that "closed" Apple mentality. Although
my MacBook Pro did the job for me as a work machine for years, I'm
actually very glad these days to have switched back to a Windows 8
ultrabook for my work.

Speaking of the image of Squeezebox devices in the press, although I
liked the general review of the Transporter in Stereophile back in 2007,
what always irked me was that 1st sentence: "Is a high-end music server
the audio equivalent of polishing a turd?" Why would you ever start a
review with a comment like that? Even if not meant to be derogatory,
would they ever put this sentence in there at the beginning of a
Meridian, Linn, or dCs review?

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