Archimago wrote: 
> This lack of easy FLAC support in Mac (ie. native FLAC in iTunes) is
> truly ridiculous and epitomizes that "closed" Apple mentality. Although
> my MacBook Pro did the job for me as a work machine for years, I'm
> actually very glad these days to have switched back to a Windows 8
> ultrabook for my work.
> Speaking of the image of Squeezebox devices in the press, although I
> liked the general review of the Transporter in Stereophile back in 2007,
> what always irked me was that 1st sentence: "Is a high-end music server
> the audio equivalent of polishing a turd?" Why would you ever start a
> review with a comment like that? Even if not meant to be derogatory,
> would they ever put this sentence in there at the beginning of a
> Meridian, Linn, or dCs review?

I believe it's called damning with faint praise. As I stated neither the
Transporter, as a stand alone player or digital transport, or the Touch,
as a digital transport, has EVER been used as a basis for comparison
when reviewing either a high end disc based player, disc based transport
or DAC - NEVER. If these wonderful devices are mentioned at all they are
only mentioned as great for providing background music. Wait, wait here
it comes: That's why I call them CLOWNS!!

Another example of the closed Apple world: Quicktime does not support
MKV files, the most universally used file format for high definition
video files. But this omission pales in comparison to the lack of flac
support in iTunes. The best story I've heard of the closed Apple
mentality is that back when the iPod was being developed the great GOD
Steve Jobs did not want the iPod to support mp3 files, somehow he was
overruled (perhaps he was drugged?) and because of its support for mp3
files the iPod went on to become the market leader in portable digital
music players.

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