mlsstl wrote: 
> No one demanded you provide proof. However, you are treating your own
> perception under "sighted" conditions (i.e., that you have knowledge of
> which format is being played at any point) as having some underlying
> technical cause. To refer to your post from 4/22, you said "...when
> computers are involved, hardware, software, codecs, connectivity all
> have an effect."
> In short, your a priori given is that any difference you hear must be
> due to technical factors. You left zero room that the real cause might
> have been the way your own brain processes things. Once again, we have a
> subjectivist who leaves no allowance for subjective factors. 
> I've often been in the middle of a listening session when I've been
> interrupted by a phone call. The pause button is hit, and a few or more
> minutes go by, then I hit pause again to pick up where I left off. It is
> not uncommon for the music to sound somehow different. Sometimes it
> seems better -- more dynamic and engaging. Sometimes it doesn't sound as
> good. 
> Now I could go looking for a technical explanation such as the electric
> supply to my house has gotten quieter or noiser. Or perhaps the DAC or
> buffer circuit has been affected somehow by the pause. However, the far
> and away most likely explanation is that my own focus of attention has
> changed due to the interruption. 
> The odds are excellent that the same thing is at work in your perception
> of two different lossless file formats.

perhaps you'd have a point if the results were random, meaning i
randomly preferred one format over the other.  but that's not the case;
I routinely prefer AIF over ALAC.  there are times when the differences
are small, if any, but where there's an audible difference, the
preference is ALWAYS for the non-compressed file.

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