darrenyeats wrote: 
> I did some blind listening last week coax versus TOSLINK out of the SBT
> into DAC1. Not perfect because I was alone - I ended up spinning my DAC1
> remote with my eyes closed but I confused myself enough to have no idea
> what was what on the various attempts with various tracks, but I suppose
> subconsciously anything's possible.
> I was able to zone in on differences blind and preferred the coax every
> time. FWIW we are talking really subtle perceived changes but here is
> the character of them. I'm not trying to wind you up Julf! The coax
> seemed to have in effect a cleaner bass and treble, I suppose the
> overall effect was of a more prominent mid, but it might have been just
> an imaging difference with the some of the mid content being projected
> more forward (the image depth was still good when there was stuff going
> on behind) and a cleaner sound. The TOSLINK sounded -as if- it had a bit
> more bass/treble and a recessed mid, perhaps in image terms or
> otherwise, I don't know. It sounded a bit more glassy and echoey like a
> very soft bass and treble lift but subjectively in a slightly messy way.
> RESPONSE. These are differences in my perception, the mechanisms for
> what I perceived are probably complicated. My impressions should not be
> interpreted as technical statements, they are just mental constructs
> (and subtle).
> I'd be interested to hear Eduardoo's subjective impressions to see if
> they are wildly different, similar or the same! I wouldn't be surprised
> if end perceptions are quite system and person dependent.
> Don't know why it is that way.
> Note that Ken Rockwell has measured very small but real differences
> between the various DAC1 interfaces (the USB was an especial outlier for
> some reason) and there are tiny differences in performance with the SBT
> between the interfaces too.

I find the coaxial to be better extended and cleaner, with a slightly
bigger soundstage, and darker silence.   The Toslink, sounds a little
warmer and rounder, which I sometimes use for listening to old pop
recordings.  Not night and day differences, just very subtle but

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