marflao wrote: 
> ...well at least *they* hear the difference :-)
> "Case closed!"

As typical for that site.

For more details around that 44 vs. 88kHz paper, have a look at this

Remember, only 3/16 listeners in that paper got significant results
overall and all admitted to feeling doubtful about their results. To say
"Within a few seconds, we both realized he had picked the CD-quality
version since it sounded flatter, duller, and mostly just plain worse
than the track we'd listened to earlier" doesn't seem to ring true. If
anything, this speaks to the likelihood of different masterings if
indeed one of the versions sounded much worse than the others. Of
course, that blog post neglects to comment on this or whether perhaps
there are other differences like volume level changes. Don't forget
folks, "Ella and Louis" was recorded in 1956. The tape noise floor on
that recording is high - significantly worse than 16-bits. Just what
kind of benefit do we expect to gain from a high resolution digital
version at 24/96? Mike obviously prefers to poke fun at objective
analysis and further his amazing hearing ability. Yay for him.

Also, that MP3 test showed no significant preference for CD/MP3 with
256kbps and 320kbps. That's exactly what many of us here believe and was
shown with the MP3 test last year. In fact, on the graph the "Musician"
group didn't fare well with MP3 128 & 192kbps using acoustic music! Not
sure what he's trying to prove... Again... Yay for him.

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