Mnyb wrote: 
> Ah the chief fruit looper is still around/alive
> Peter W Belt :)
-First time I experienced Belt treatments. Had no clue what Carol was up
to as I was in the other room, though I did know she was playing around
with something audio. She asked me to come in and give a listen, but
with the following constraints: 1) I had to play the same track three
times in a row, and 2) I could not open my eyes during the session. Easy
as pie! Out came my favorite Lambchop disc -What Another Man Spoils- and
on went track 1. Hit play and "Sounds fine Carol, sounds like it usually
does; great recording, fun music, love it!" She hits Stop and after a
few seconds, she hits Play again, and like "WOW, this sounds much
better! Way more musical and golly-gosh-gee, this is really cool!" She
hits Stop and a minute later, she hits Play again, and shit! I mean
SHIT, this sounds like shit! Not the shit, but shit. Not more than 5
seconds into the track and STOP IT NOW BEFORE I TEAR MY EARS OFF! What
did you do? "Well, the first time nothing, the second time I wrote
'Reimer > O.K!' with this red pen on a piece of tape and placed one on
the top of each speaker, and the third time I replaced the tape with
another that said 'Reimer > BAD.'" Huh, sounded as it usually did with
nothing on the speaker, sounded really great when you wrote O.K, and
sound really bad when you wrote Bad. Weird.
- Dave Clark-

Weird, indeed!

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