cliveb wrote: 
> I never did get why so many people had problems with the Duet. I've got
> one of the original beta-test units and it's never really missed a beat.
> (Maybe the fact I have it connected via Ethernet rather than wireless
> helps?) For sure, the early firmware releases on the Controller had a
> few rough edges, but they were usability issues - I don't recall it ever
> failing to actually play music.

My first product was a Duet, and I never had any problems with it
connected via ethernet.  That was replaced by a Transporter, and
ultimately given away to my son-in-law, where it eventually succumbed to
a dead wifi function.  After years.  I gave him another I had as a
spare, and it's still working.

Sometime before I got the Transporter I set up a second Duet in the home
theater location, feeding a 5.1 system through a middling level Sony
receiver.  It gets regular use there, often when I'm watching something
like football and would rather listen to music than to the play-by-play.
It is run via wifi, and I have never had a single problem with it.  In
fact, it has been so reliable that I haven't bothered to swap it out for
one of the Touches I have in reserve.


LMS on a dedicated music server (FitPC2)
Transporter (ethernet) - main music listening, Onkyo receiver, Paradigm
Duet (wifi) - home theatre 5.1, Sony receiver, Energy speakers
Boom 1 (wifi) - workspace
Boom 2 (wifi) - various (deck, garage, etc.)
Radio (wifi) - home office
Touch x 2 - awaiting deployment
UE Radio - awaiting deployment
Control - 2 Controllers (main listening, home theatre, all others),
Squeeze Remote (on Surface Pro 2), Music2Touch (BB Playbook)
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