doctor_big wrote: 
> I've always found that trying to nail Arny down is like trying to nail
> jello to a wall. 

Back at you, fellow. I ask simple questions, you deflect the discussion
into something else, usually personal attacks like the one above.

> In some ways it's like dealing with religious fundamentalists - not
> with regard to the message at all, but rather the deflection and
> obfuscation that you're constantly having to navigate

This must be a quote from a post by me to some radical subjectivist!

> It's an observationalist thing -- they think they're being clever -- but
> AK's the master.

There is no cleverness here, just a search for reliable truth.

> It's one of those I-don't-know-why-I-bother kind of things.  And for
> the most part, I don't.  Kind of like Ronnie (Man in a Van - who isn't a
> sock puppet I guarantee) who says that he's quite happy listening to the
> improvements wrought by expectation bias, I just change things around as
> I see fit, and enjoy the sound quality improvements. 

There seem to be lot of people who realize that there is a real world,
and real improvements in sound quality to be obtained. You just have to
stick to reality to find them.

You've never explained how acting on false information is a reliable
route to actual improvements in sound quality - just another one of
those questions that were deflected rather and answered, I guess.

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