arnyk wrote: 
> Back at you, fellow. I ask simple questions, you deflect the discussion
> into something else, usually personal attacks like the one above.

Hey!  I wasn't talking to you.  But since you're here, do you even own a
squeezebox?  Or did you just hear that the fishin's fine and presto,
joined right up?

As an aside from all this nastiness, an observation - I honestly think
that ABX is the tipping point on the seesaw between the Os and the S'. 
Audiophiles mightily distrust ABX, and with good reason, I think.  I've
taken part in two of those hateful experiments, and found myself utterly
wamboozled and unable to concentrate on the music without thinking about
the test.  "Is this this, or this?"  Perhaps practice helps?  I've also
participated in blind AB tests at a prominent Canadian speaker
manufacturer, and found them entertaining, informative and stress free. 
Take what you will from that.  Anyway, I don't have a better, feasible,
repeatable test to offer, so the standoff shall continue, yes?

Back to your regularly scheduled programming - let the snippiness


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