doctor_big wrote: 
> I've always found that trying to nail Arny down is like trying to nail
> jello to a wall.  In some ways it's like dealing with religious
> fundamentalists - not with regard to the message at all, but rather the
> deflection and obfuscation that you're constantly having to navigate 
> It's an observationalist thing -- they think they're being clever -- but
> AK's the master.  It's one of those I-don't-know-why-I-bother kind of
> things.  And for the most part, I don't.  Kind of like Ronnie (Man in a
> Van - who isn't a sock puppet I guarantee) who says that he's quite
> happy listening to the improvements wrought by expectation bias, I just
> change things around as I see fit, and enjoy the sound quality
> improvements. 
> However, as I said earlier (maybe in another thread?) occasionally I
> reach my tipping point and then must chime in.  For all the good it
> does.
> Jason

Yes, Jason, you & I both know how practised he is at this style of forum
deflection & obfuscation but it's still worth pointing this out for
those not so familiar. I don't expect any change in Arny - but the more
he posts, the more he reveals that his claim of "searching for reliable
truth" is a sham, a smokescreen

I'm sure many wonder why he attempts slandering a $175 product & the
Uptone audio's business practises? A product, that by all accounts, has
so far delivered audible benefits to a wide range of users on a wide
variety of USB audio devices. A product that has a clear technical
message about what exactly it is targeting.

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