SBGK wrote: 
> No evidence apart from placebophilephobes making themselves unhappy at
> the thought of the regen device existing and everyone else that has
> ordered one being very happy with proceedings.

Actually, reliable evidence to adequately support that claim does not
seem to exist, either.  It appears to be all speculation on your part,
and your bias and lack of reliabiliity in this matter is already a
matter of fact. 

Please provide an independently audited break down of:

Who ordered a Regen?

Who has obtained a Regen?

Who has listened to their Regen?

Who thinks it improves SQ?

That's how you do a proper public opinion survey my friend.  Given that
none of these people are likely to be interested in doing reliable
technical or SQ evaluations, a public opinion survey without any actual
technical merit is about as good as it gets. We appear to miles from
being even near being there.

So far all I see is  assertions of those facts without reliable evidence
to support them.  Please help me find reliable evidence to support your

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