SBGK wrote: 
> No evidence apart from placebophilephobes making themselves unhappy at
> the thought of the regen device existing and everyone else that has
> ordered one being very happy with proceedings. Does the idea of people
> being happy upset you ?

I think you need to first prove the existence of placebophilephobes
before you start throwing the word around.

Speaking for myself I have no fear of placebos. Why fear them? They
exist, they are all over the place, and without any technical help there
isn't a lot to do about them. 

Most of the time the only reasonable thing to do with placebos is live
with them. Don't deny them, just let them have their space.

They don't actually hurt at the time you first encounter them and they
can even help, at least for a while.

The problem with placebos is that they are often not all that there is,
and in many cases there are reliable solutions.

So lets say that as it is likely for older men I am found to have
prostrate cancer. 

On the one hand I have an effective cancer drug whose effectiveness has
been proven by DBTs.  No surgery, nominal side effects.

On the other hand I have a placebo. They both cost the same.

How long should it take me to make a choice?

How long would it take you to make a choice?

Do tell! ;-)

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