cliveb wrote: 
> What are you talking about? I only briefly mentioned the r.a.o news
> group as an example of what can happen. It is not the centrepiece of my
> argument.

Pure deflection. I debunked it so now you want to distance yourself from

> The actual centrepiece of my argument is that your enthusiastic
> engagement with deluded audiofools is as much to blame for the
> degeneration of audio forums as are their crazy postings.

That's just as wrong, but since you've already dismissed the logical
arguments against it...

> And that as a supposedly rational person it's basically up to you to
> stop arguing, because the crazies aren't going to.

Actually they often do give up, but since you are dismissing that proven

> Furthermore, my concern is that you are in danger of destroying this
> specific forum (the Slim Devices audiophile one), which along with
> Hydrogen Audio is the only one I find remotely worth reading.

Many people see just as much danger in your incessant personal attacks
against me.

Um HA, where I have posted 5,878 times since 29 October 2008? This
averages out to being about twice a day. That seems to drive yet another
spike in your argument. 

BTW, how did I avoid destroying HA? ;-)

What's unclear to you about "It takes two to tango"?

> And with that, I will take my own medicine and stop arguing with you.
> I've made my point, and hope it has been clearly enough put that other
> rational folk understand it.

It is about time!

The point you've made with me is more along the line of as follows:
"What is really this guy's problem?"  Friend of the last guy to go on a
vendetta against me?

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