SBGK wrote: 
> you obviously do, sweetheart.

SBGK: Why do you continue to ignore my questions?

If I may remind you of your comments:
SBGK wrote: 
> some misguided people have been duped into using the squeezebox as a
> front end to multi thousand $ systems because they've been told bits are
> bits and abx is 
> incapable of discerning a difference and Archimago says they all
> sound/measure the same. 
> So these people have pretensions of being an audiophile and think they
> are getting it from a $300 device.
> It's also fun just to see how stuck in the mud you guys are as the rest
> of the digital audio world moves forward and makes discoveries/find
> solutions. 
> The objectivists' response to the regen is just bizarre.

Look. Let's raise above the level of grade 3 kids...

Please explain yourself. By what mechanism of ascertaining truth are you
arriving at your general viewpoint on this debate and claiming in such
inflammatory ways that my posts have lead to "misguided people" being
"duped"? In what way is this "bizarre"? You are free to cheerlead on
places like CA, but when you address with comments knowing that I'm here
reading, then I think it is fair for me to demand some kind of

To not provide explanation implies that you have -nothing- of value to
add to the discussion in a gentlemanly fashion. -And I do hope you will
refrain from making such remarks in the future.-

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