doctor_big wrote: 
> Hey Ralphy-baby, sez down there in your sig line that you use a Simaudio
> pre-power combo.  That's mighty high-rent gear you've got there!  Could
> you fill us in on how come you're using something so expensive and
> audiophile-like when good old ABX testing would likely PROVE that a
> ghetto Yamaha receiver would sound just as good?  
> C'mon, man - think!  You could sell that snake-oil audiophile nonsense
> and use the money for surveillance gear so you could stake out John
> Atkinson's place.  He's fooling audiophiles -as we speak-, and YOU could
> be the one to get the  low-down for CNN.  Your Pulitzer awaits!
> Jason

But Jason, although Raph has already answered quite well already, I
actually don't see what's wrong with owning whatever one desires... Give
that this is the "audiophile" forum, many of the objectivists have main
systems in the 5-figures because there's nothing wrong with enjoying
luxury items for what they are whether we believe the "utilitarian
function" (ie. sound quality) improves or not. I could buy a Burmester
front end, enjoy the nice gold color, and show off the bling to my
audiophile friends when they come over without necessarily claiming that
the Burmester beats an Oppo in sound quality.

Material quality, workmanship, reliability, socioeconomic status symbol,
esthetic appeal are all part of the price of luxury items and anyone of
us can justify the "value" of something we buy without claims of sound

The "issue" with objectivists arises with claims of "remarkable"
differences in sound quality where there is no evidence or rationale.

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