Archimago wrote: 
> Just thought this spectral frequency plot looked interesting for the
> PonoPlayer!
> Lots of high-frequency gets through of course but not the usual Nyquist
> ringing. Linear with no phase shift in the higher frequencies. An
> interesting low frequency "afterimage" in the plot. (Not sure how else
> to call this... Any thoughts?)
> 18569

Reading between the lines, the Pono DAC may have an Apodizing
reconstruction filter.

An Apodizing filter is based on the DAC's filter which is usually linear
phase, or that has the same phase/amplitude response as a simple time

Based on sighted evaluations and questionable other listening tests, a
sonic phobia about linear phase filters has developed in some people's
minds.  The focus of the phobia is ringing that comes before the impulse
with a linear phase filter.

The Apodizing filter adds additional phase shift to transform the filter
response so that its phase response is more like that of a Minimum Phase
filter which has all of its ringing following the impulse.

Since actual evidence that linear phase filters > 20 KHz have any
audible effects, the likelihood that an Apodizing Filter having any
audible benefits is slim and none.

One key concept that must be true, that many are in denial about, is
that in order to have improved sound, there has to a sonic difference.

Hence, testing for audible differences should precede testing for

The ringing of reconstruction filters is often best measured with
conventional time versus amplitude measurements.

Impulse response of linear phase brick wall low pass filter:


Impulse response of minimum phase brick wall low pass filter:


It is well known that when the filter has a corner frequency that is
well within in the audible range, difference between pre-ringing and
post-ringing can be audible. With digital audio reconstruction or brick
wall filters the challenge to audibility is the fact that ringing takes
place above the normal range of hearing.

|Filename: 409Merfig02.jpg                                          |

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