Julf wrote: 
> User marcoc1712 started 'this thread'
> (http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?104198-Disk-and-folder-browsing&p=828137&viewfull=1#post828137)
> in the developer forum. The tread is primarily about possible bugs
> associated with trying to stream pure pcm or wav format files. In order
> to keep that thread focused on the actual functioning of the software,
> this thread, here in the Audiophile subforum, is  discussion about the
> possible claimed benefits (and disadvantages) of "raw" pcm vs. flac. 
> Technically wav isn't a very good format for streaming, so anyone using
> it probably has reasons for doing so. The usual reason is the audiophile
> folklore about "uncompressed" sounding better than lossless compression.
> Often the folklore is based on misunderstanding the nature of lossless
> encodings, but a slightly more sophisticated argument is based on the
> supposed extra CPU load caused by flac decoding. This ignores the added
> processing and IO load (not just in the player application, but also in
> the kernel and device drivers) caused by the redundant data - and
> assumes that small differences in CPU load would cause audible
> differences.
> Archimago 'measured the effect of cpu load on jiitter'
> (http://archimago.blogspot.com/2013/03/measurements-hunt-for-load-induced.html)
> in 2013, and concluded that "symmetrical jitter sidebands are no
> different whether CPU or GPU load high".
> So far I have not seen any measurements or controlled listening tests
> showing any audible difference. I would welcome pointers to either.

what's the chain ?

flac -> sox -> aplay -> pcm -> kernel -> drivers -> device

wav -> aplay -> pcm -> kernel -> drivers -> device

so kernel and drivers see the same amount of data unless the sample
rates and/or bit depth are different, but then you're comparing apples
and pears.

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