ralphpnj wrote: 
> Thank you Clive for that very clear and thorough answer and also for
> reminding Arny that I was, indeed, only joking about the audible effects
> of tagging.
> Based on what I've observing it would appear that jitter is now
> replacing "clean power" along with several other audiophile bogeymen as
> the newest in the ongoing line of audiophile bogeymen. I guess even fake
> cures need fake illnesses for hem to be effective (where "effective"
> means the ability to make people part with their money).

Excellent discussion guys!

Jitter has been a bogeyman for years... As far as I recall, it was
always the "digital sucks" poster boy from the 80's. For example, here's
Stereophile from 1992:

As others have noted, it began with the SPDIF interface which embeds
clock data within the serial data stream, thus the "transport" device's
clock accuracy could be questioned and clock recovery and timing
reconstitution whether by PLL, ASRC, buffering were utilized to smooth
things out for the receiving DAC. So we could say that in the SPDIF
days, the transport and DAC both have roles in maintaining clock

With the advent of true asynchronicity with async USB and ethernet these
days where it's just data transfer with bidirectional flow control, the
onus is on the DAC itself if we see any kind of timing/jitter issue.

Here's Ethan Winer and discussion of jitter manifesting in the analogue
output as FM modulated sidebands:

And those sidebands are of course what the Dunn J-test is about. In
testing, it's not difficult to find them in most all SPDIF transport-DAC
combinations but they really are -imperceptibly tiny- in the vast
majority of cases with sidebands <100dB below the primary signal and in
real music would easily be masked by the sound or buried deep in a
typical recording's noise floor! With an ethernet streamer like the
Squeezebox systems (Touch, Transporter) there's no issue at all...
Likewise async USB remains clean unless the DAC itself is clocked

1. Jitter is by and far an inaudible phenomenon in today's systems. Only
the foulest of "audiophile" designs raise eyebrows like this Zanden 5000

2. Sure, SPDIF digital interfaces and obsolete adaptive isochronous USB
interfaces can show higher jitter-related anomalies with measurements
than asynchronous ethernet/USB. Again, measurable anomalies do not mean

3. Anyone who cares so much about timing and jitter should have a good
look at vinyl wow & flutter - orders of magnitude worse! Yet somehow
audiophiles turn a blind eye on this but pick on jitter as being
something terrible! [Here's 'my fun look at using the vinyl PlatterSpeed
app with digital'
compare it with 'this link of the Technics SL-1200 turntable'

4. The recent advent of the JitterBug and UpTone's USB Regen is more on
the same theme... Neither have released any useful technical information
to show they work. In fact, measurements for the JitterBug in
'Stereophile has suggested no effect'
and the eye pattern published suggests 'worsening rise time'
All reported benefits seem to be either from company representatives or
testimony (like John Atkinson's). And of course 'lots of talk about
Regen' (http://uptoneaudio.com/pages/j-swenson-tech-corner) with still
no objective evidence. Oh, BTW, 'here's Mark Waldrep's testing with the
Regen' (http://www.realhd-audio.com/?p=5150). Predictably, -nada
-according to him but there were some other followups with folks who
thought they did hear something... Alas no actual controlled ABX'ing I
think. The arguments rage one...

Fun times :o.

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