cliveb wrote: 
> The only forum where proper scientific discussion happens and moderators
> keep the crazies in check seems to be Hydrogen Audio. Even there, the
> occasional flame war erupts (eg. the recent "More misinformation" thread
> - quite why the moderators let that one run for so long beats me).

Dream on! HA has its own anti-scientific axe to grind, just like Head
Fi, and the DIY forums. In the case of HA the axe is a kind of
ultra-science or the idea that if some theory or principle hasn't
happened to have been covered with a DBT, it is therefore assumed to be

One common thread among all of these forums- the use of absolute
censorship to keep the management viewpoint the only one that can be
expressed. Thoughtful dissent with the management viewpoint is first
persecuted and then banned.

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