My repaired PV1 arrived on schedule yesterday morning, accompanied by an
unusually grumpy UPS delivery man: after I thanked him for bringing it
to my (ground floor) flat & signed the electronic delivery
acknowledgement, I politely asked him if he'd mind putting in my lounge
for me, an additional distance of less than 6 metres, explaining that I
suffered from arthritis in my spine (the box weighed about 21kg). His
response was "yeah, and I've had 2 heart attacks!". Slightly nonplussed,
I offered to share the load with him. At this point he just grabbed the
box off the floor outside my door and barged past me towards the lounge.
I just had time to tell him to put it on my sofa, which he did, and then
he stormed off. I still haven't quite figured out if he was having a pop
at my disability, or was really putting himself at risk of a further
heart attack by doing a heavy manual job! It takes all sorts...

Anyway, a friend called by later who helped me unpack it, and also held
my flashlight above the corner unit my gear lives on & in, beneath my TV
which can be manoeuvred flush against one wall thanks to a double arm
bracket. This enabled me to reach through the bottom shelf of the
cabinet and hook up 2 new 3m mains leads for the new subwoofer
positions. I did have to move a couple of low wattage items onto a 2-way
adaptor to free up two adjacent outlets on my primary 8-way anti-surge
board, and the exercise was basically accomplished by me lying prone and
feeling my way around at full stretch having first established the
arrangement I wanted. When I first rigged it up I had all the cables
tidy but as you add leads for this and that you inevitably begin to
create a Gordian Knot! So I had to pick my way through the maze as
sightless as Samson.

Got the main objective achieved after a bit of a struggle and rested a
while up to let my body recover. After half an hour, I powered the whole
system back up only to discover that I'd inadvertently dislodged the
feed to my secondary board. Accepting that fate was not totally with me,
I powered everything down again and did a second grovelling stint. It
wasn't too bad, and I secured the wayward connector fairly quickly,
still working by feel. Although it was awkward, it was much easier than
pulling the heavy unit away from the corner and then endeavouring to
slide it back into place without dislodging or trapping the myriad of
connections. Everything worked again on second power-up, so all I did
then was disconnect the working sub-woofer (which I had jerry-rigged
just to check that it worked when the seller brought it over, using the
flying mains point I sometimes use to connect my laptop into my system)
roll it away, and roll in the repaired one and reconnect. Simples! B&W
had done their magic and the repaired is good as new. Spheroid
sub-woofers rule, OK!

It was at this point I collapsed in my sofa planning to finish the job
today, i.e. stripping back the bare ends of Ken's new cables, attaching
my double screw banana plugs to the appropriate ends and taping up the
two surplus wires on each, rolling the subwoofers to their new
locations, connecting them up, and then the fettling. It all seemed so

THEN I woke up this morning feeling like I'd been run-over by a
steamroller. Took PRN painkillers at about 5:30am, and spent 90 minutes
being grumpy with the cat whilst struggling to deal with my basic needs
and her more extensive and persistent demands. Took another 60mg Codeine
+ 4mg Diazepam about 6:15am since no real improvement. At 7am, the penny
dropped - I had missed the previous night's 300mg (max) dose of
Pregabalin (it's a neuropathic painkiller), not to mention my
Semi-Sodium Valproate mood-stabilisers (I apologise if I'm coming across
as slightly mad today... ;)). My conclusion is that neuropathic
biochemistry is a more sure-fire bet than acoustic neuroscience! A
suspect that several forum members will concur...

So a quiet/noisy but restful day today. Stereo subwoofer installation
postponed until manyana.

Dave  :rolleyes:

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