Vansloneker wrote: 
> Aah, so they use a central clock in the recording studios just for
> bogus?

I already explained that once, back up the thread. 

Since you are running and hiding Vansloneker, this response if not for
you, but it is for any lurkers.

In large recording studios there is naturally a large number of digital
boxes that are swapped in and out of the work flow and of course need to
be kept in synch.  A central clock makes that easy and automatic.

A home audio system is in contrast really simple and relatively static.

In a typical home system, external clocks are like adding a trailer
hitch to a racing car.  Yes there are novelty races where that makes
sense, but almost all regular racing is done without trailers, so the
hitch would be just dead weight. 

Truth is that as a general rule the converters in well designed players
are very good, and the ones in the Transporter are way above average,
thank you. All one can really hope to do with dangling add-ons is
perhaps to screw up.

> -this topic is getting ridiculous. i'm out.-

Right Vansloneker, ideas that are way over your head are of course not
interesting to you.  I suggest that you close your eyes, and hum loudly.

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