Golden Earring wrote: 
> Does this directly impact on the problem summarised in my previous
> post?
> I ask because this will affect my prioritisation of reading matter. I
> shall consult it in due course in any event because I like to expand my
> knowledge, but will give it a higher priority if you specifically claim
> that it explains why my familiar recordings now sound persistently &
> constantly more musical than with my previous connections, which I have
> just summarised above.
> Dave :)

My own take is that measuring gross differences is, well gross. One
serious problem with gross differences is that their size can be huge
when there is actually no audible difference, just a slight difference
in timing.

OTOH, if one takes the time to suss that all out, one often finds
vanishing differences when the sighted listeners are swearing up and
down that many, many "Veils were lifted". 

BTW every once in a while I get a jitter advocate to actually do some
related DBTs and they always obtain yet more evidence that jitter in
digital gear of even modest quality is audibly vanishing. 

I think that Archimago has covered this in past editions of his blog. 

The sort of numbers you mention are vanishing when you consider the
jitter that is inherent in analog tape and LP playback. 

How many people complain about the jitter in analog tape and LP
playback? In fact they were never reduced to solidly inaudible levels in
the best analog gear. Tape is generally better than the LP.  

For whatever reason I am very sensitive to them, and in fact that is
what drove me to be an early adopter of the CD - having one of the first
CD players sold in the Detroit area back in early 1983. 

The jitter in analog tape and LP playback is found to be measured in
tens of microseconds, so divide that by 1,000 to get nanoseconds, and
divide that by 1,000 again to get the picoseconds mentioned above. Get
my drift? ;-)

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