My favourite R.E.M. album. And again it sounds amazing!

There is the possibility that the effect might be ascribed to my
underlying (but pretty stabilised) & long-standing bipolar disorder: I
do not possess "golden ears" in general, but my brain does "light up"
from time to time. I don't recommend it to anyone else - I can
experience mental states where "music" becomes an unbearable noise & I
am left in the lurch contemplating my navel...

For the most part I find listening to music very therapeutic and would
highly recommend it to fellow sufferers: it doesn't attack your liver or
kidneys like the "mood stabilising" drugs advocated by the medical
profession. I take a strictly minimal dose of those! (Semi-Sodium
Valproate 250mg t.d. for reference - that dose shouldn't get me if I'm

Dave :)

P.S. Any such effect would be eliminated by the double-blind ABX test. I
still have the analogue outputs of my Transporter connected to the 2nd
balanced XLR input of my amplifier, although I don't have instantaneous
switching/level matching implemented. I prefer the Mytek...

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