drmatt wrote: 
> A better analogy is perhaps to ask you what you remember of the font
> that was used in the last book you read. Nothing? Same thing. The medium
> (carrier) vs the content (signal). A musician is interested in the
> signal - the notes, the timing, the stressing of each portion of the
> note, they are not interested in whether the violin sounds"realistic",
> because they don't care. A professional musician can extract extremely
> detailed transcription notes from poor recordings.

Hi Doc!

I believe that Mozart transcribed an entire mass setting from memory
after exiting the church where the music was performed (& jealously
guarded) when he was about 12. But he was somewhat remarkable...

My original question related to the rehearsal sessions held by
conductors with their orchestras prior to an important concert (or
recording, or both in the case of a live recording). Obviously each
individual conductor will have his own "take" on a piece of classical
music, which itself may evolve over time.

It had nothing direct to do with recorded music per se, but rather I was
trying to put comments about the brain's inability to recall specific
sounds for more than a few seconds into the performance context. Are you
suggesting that the members of the orchestra use the rehearsals to
annotate their copies of the score, or that their skill with their
instruments is down to some memory other than auditory recall, such as
muscle memory, etc.?

I think we're at bit at cross-purposes - sorry if I'm missing something
obvious here, as I said I'm not a musician myself. I find playing Guitar
Hero with the kids taxing enough (but fun - our family band is called
"Muesli Is Murder").

Dave :)

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