
At 22:00 18/03/2018, you wrote:

We have several treads on recording vinyl you do need  a riaa stage or
preamp or similar , not just the analog in on your computer.

Yes, i forgot about that and have a creek obh8 going into my amplifier

Maybe a better sound card if inputs on laptops reached new bottom levels
. But any decent soundcards fidelity far exceeds vinyl .

Maybe in specs but what about noise particularly with vinyl being in the more
vulnerable analogue format.
I think the best way to go would be to get the analogue into digital before it
enters the hostile environment of a PC with it radio frequency interference.

On topic it was some fun when I was young with 400 LP's . It would
surely be unmanageable with my 4500 disc digital collection.:D here the
server excels

But putting on a vinyl or inserting any old fashion media means you are
committed .

I'd sometimes tend to zap truogh my music and change my mind

I still listen to albums at a time on my DAP and never use shuffle.


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