cliveb wrote: 
> This is a wind-up, right?
> You can't possibly think anyone will take you seriously when you start
> wittering on about $200k tube amps.
> Maybe you are just having a laugh and your sense of humour isn't coming
> across. If not, I won't engage with you again.

Well said @cliveB!
I completely agree.

There is so much rubbish about 'high end' audio gear.

I have a pair of ATC 100 SCM 100s as well. They weren't cheap but in
relative terms I consider them a bargain as they are the best speakers I
have ever heard.

I run them with a Logitech Transporter.

I did add an external DAC. To my ears it sounds slightly better, but the
Transporter's internal DAC is excellent and is testament to the
brilliant overall design of the Transporter.

I did audition a very expensive streamer ( Auralic Aries G2)
I sent it back as i prefer my Transporter!

The Hi Fi dealer told me I needed to spend 'at least £1,000' on a
digital cable. He included USB in this. What a joke!

I told him that he was a charlatan and would never deal with him again.

I had to threaten court action to get my refund which I was legally
entitled to having purchased online.

I now avoid all 'Hi Fi' retailers.

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