Heuer wrote: 
> We are being told to earlier in the digital chain by spending £2,500+ on
> an "audiophile grade" ethernet switch:
> https://shop.martinshifi.co.uk/products/phoenixnet-audiophile-grade-network-switch-1
> This one is $5,000:
> https://audiobacon.net/2019/04/05/sotm-snh-10g-audiophile-ethernet-switch-review/

"It’s interesting how some of these other engineers (and their minions)
denounce what audiophiles are hearing as placebo and hallucinations. 
They also demand double-blind and null tests for everything. Do they
really think intelligent people who are able to afford this gear – would
drop lots of cash for something they don’t really hear?
Time to get off that high horse, homie"

Do you think they're missing the point somewhat ?


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