vco1 wrote: 
> I'm plaanning on going the same route: Hifiberry Digi2 (Pro) + DSP
> Add-on foor room correction. But your post confuses me a bit if it's
> working fine with Squeezeplayer or not. Especially since you mention
> "Also, their (experimental) room correction feature didn't work for me."
> But you end with "This is just a heads-up that it does all work rather
> well".
> Would like to get more details. More in particular if the combo Pi4 +
> Hifiberry Digi2 (Pro) and DSP add-on is working for (simple) digital
> room correction.
As slartibartfast pointed out, there's another relevant thread here:

But here's a quick summary of what I discovered:
1. To set up the filters in the DSP card, you need to boot your RPi into
HiFiBerryOS. Then you can manually add the filters required.
2. HiFiBerryOS does include Squeezelite, which would seem to imply that
you can just run your RPi under HiFiBerryOS and use it as an LMS player.
However, the version of Squeezelite they use is very old and I found
that it was very unreliable. Therefore once the filters are loaded into
the DSP card, you need to reboot the RPi into some other appropriate OS
such as piCorePlayer, and the filters remain active.
3. To figure out what filters you need, HiFiBerryOS has a room
correction facility, but I found that it simply didn't work, so I used
REW to calculate the filters instead. I opened a thread on the HiFiBerry
community about this
and some others reported the same issue - that it didn't work with the
Digi2Pro+DSP combination. The latest posting on that thread suggests
that there's an experimental new release that fixes the issue with their
room correction facility.

Having said all this, in the end I do NOT recommend using the DSP card
for room correction. When I had the filters active, they produced some
weird bass artefacts, sounding a bit like turntable rumble. It was
fairly subtle, but once you've heard it, you can't ignore it. 

As is discussed in the other thread linked above, it's a simple matter
to set up a custom convert file in LMS to apply the required filters
using SOX, and this approach doesn't produce those weird bass artefacts.
I had initially thought that the RPi3 I use as my LMS server wouldn't
have enough CPU power to run the filters, but it turns out not to be an

If you've not yet bought the DSP card, don't bother. I have since sold
mine on eBay. The Digi2Pro itself is a perfectly fine SPDIF interface
for the RPi, but note that there are other similar cards available from
other vendors. And if you have a USB capable DAC, then you don't need
one at all.

I should have updated this thread with these conclusions, and I
apologise for failing to do so. Consider this reply to be that update!

Until recently: Transporter -> ATC SCM100A, now sold :-(
House move forced change to: piCorePlayer(RPi2/HiFiBerry DIGI2
Pro/HiFiBerry DSP) -> Meridian 218 -> Meridian M6
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