o news
- in aufs3-standalong.git, introduce two new patches, vfs-ino.patch and
  aufs3-loopback.patch has existed since many years before, but not
  described. Other two patches are introdued by the neighbourhood of
  this commit.

        There several other patches in aufs3-standalone.git. They are all
        optional. When you meet some problems, they will help you.
        - aufs3-loopback.patch
          Supports a nested loopback mount in a branch-fs. This patch is
          unnecessary until aufs produces a message such like "you may want to 
          another patch for loopback file".
        - vfs-ino.patch
          Modifies a system global kernel internal function get_next_ino() in
          order to stop assigning 0 for an inode-number. Not directly related to
          aufs, but recommended generally.
        - tmpfs-ibitmap.patch
          Keeps the tmpfs inode number as the lowest value. Effective to reduce
          the size of aufs XINO files for tmpfs branch. Also it prevents the
          duplication of inode number, which is important for backup
          tools, aubrsync or other utilities. When you find aufs XINO files for
          tmpfs branch growing too much, try this patch.

J. R. Okajima

- aufs3-linux.git
      aufs: describe several optional patches
      aufs: add a postscript about mainline-ing

- aufs3-standalone.git

- aufs-util.git

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