On Wed, Jan 19, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Pierre Chapuis <catw...@archlinux.us>wrote:

> Here is an example:
> A depends on B and D
> B depends on C
> C depends on D and E
> Currently the deps will be:
> A -> B,D
> B -> C
> C -> D,E
> When installing A, Pacman will:
> 1) check deps for A, start installing B and D
> 2) check deps for B and D, start installing C
> 3) check deps for C, start installing E
> With a transitive closure scheme at packaging time, the
> deps would be:
> A -> B,C,D,E
> B -> C,D,E
> C -> D,E
> When installing A, Pacman could simply install B, C, D and E
> *without* checking their deps (-Sd) because these deps are
> necessarily already included in those for A.
> --
> Pierre 'catwell' Chapuis

If B and D are already installed, the current implementation does 2
dependency checks and trasitive closure makes 4. Also, does not pacman need
to know that C, D and E must be installed before B? Your approach would
probably install B before its dependencies.

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