On 20/01/11 00:07, Pierre Chapuis wrote:
On Wed, 19 Jan 2011 23:59:55 +1000, Allan McRae <al...@archlinux.org>

Huh? How is no dependency checks (-Sd) equivalent to complete
dependency checking (-S with a transitive closure of dependencies)?
They are polar opposites.

What I mean is that if a transitive closure of dependencies is
performed at packaging time, then there is no need to check for
dependencies when installing the original package.

Here is an example:

A depends on B and D
B depends on C
C depends on D and E

Currently the deps will be:

A -> B,D
B -> C
C -> D,E

When installing A, Pacman will:

1) check deps for A, start installing B and D
2) check deps for B and D, start installing C
3) check deps for C, start installing E

With a transitive closure scheme at packaging time, the
deps would be:

A -> B,C,D,E
B -> C,D,E
C -> D,E

When installing A, Pacman could simply install B, C, D and E
*without* checking their deps (-Sd) because these deps are
necessarily already included in those for A.

The problem is that the transitive closure can not be assumed to be correct.

e.g.  At the time A is built:

A -> B,C,D,E
B -> C,D,E
C -> D,E

Then B is updated and

B -> C,D,E,F.

Now the assuming a transitive closure for the dependency list for A is incorrect. Installing the listed dependencies of A with the equivalent of -Sd would result in F not being installed which would break A through broken B.

So either:
1) we require a largely unnecessary rebuild of A
2) we always check the dependencies of uninstalled dependencies.

Note #2 is less burden on packagers and is more efficient in the examples given above if both B and D are installed (two checks vs four), and that will be the case for most system updates. When none of A - E are installed, they are probably equally efficient.


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