On Sat, Nov 19, 2011 at 12:44 PM, Thomas S Hatch <thatc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have a lot of regret doing this, and I have been working hard to find the
> time to keep up with my TU duties, but every day I have less and less time
> because work is continually ramping up, and what free time I have left ends
> up going to Salt (http://saltstack.org).
> So, very sadly, I need to resign from my position as an Arch Linux TU. I
> hope I can be of assistance to Arch in the future and I am still planning
> on maintaining the Varch project: https://github.com/thatch45/varch
> So with deep regret, I must resign my brief stint as a TU, it was fun, and
> I greatly appreciate the opportunity, but it is very unfair of me to not be
> maintaining my packages.
> Thanks
> -Thomas S Hatch

I'm sad to see you go, I hope this will enable you to focus on salt
and make it more awesome.

It's been nice having you as a TU.
I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors!

-Thomas Dziedzic

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