On 17 March 2024 21:38:21 GMT+01:00, Pellegrino Prevete 
<pellegrinoprev...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Pellegrino continues to post more defamatory than relevant comments on AUR 
>> pages in response to deletion requests instead of replying to the relevant 
>> email thread (e.g. for python2-rpm - PRQ#57945 - which is binary 
>> incompatible with current librpm.so in repo, and also unused on AUR): [...]
>This individual who has even the courage of replying has broken huge 
>dependency trees in front of me without any shame because of one liners in the 
>main packages, has ignored my private communications on logistic issues and 
>kept insulting me, has sent me packets of 10-20 out dates notifications at 
>time, has seized hardware packages for my machine, has seized packages of my 
>own software, has kept ignoring all my hints to check my centralized public 
>build and changes log and schedule to work together instead of keeping this 
>sharade on.

"This individual" has a name and deserves to be called by that. It is btw 
Marcell, with double L in the end and no "O".

None of what Pellegrino states about me is true. I was always respectful to him 
and I only sent legitimate requests.

The "huge dependency trees" were broken when Python2 was dropped from the repos 
in Nov 2021.

Then Pellegrino took ownership of many AUR Python2 packages and did nothing on 
most of them for 2 years, while he changed or newly uploaded some but in a 
broken state, then again he disappeared from AUR for 9 more months.

To this day, after 3 years, Pellegrino's packages like python2-urllib3 / 
python2-requests / python2-pip are unbuildable due to several breakages in the 
dependency chain.

@Muflone I imploren you, please make him stop this tirade and attack.

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