On 29/06/2016 7:42 PM, Mike Borgelt wrote:

It won't be long before all of gliding is regarded as just a branch of
vintage aviation, if it isn't already.
I wish it wasn't like that but wishing won't make it so.

I don't disagree with this point at all, but do want to point out that most activities still have a "sporting" component to it with some rules added to enforce competitiveness - even after the mass market has taken over and turned it into common place. Car/Motorcycle/Boat/etc racing hasn't died out because suddenly everyone can afford to have a car in the driveway. Similarly, Otto's hang gliding hasn't died out because we can fly to Europe in an A380 in a day.

Once upon a time Formula 1 was pretty much anything goes, now it has a rule book thicker than the local state traffic act - all in the name of competition. Even just a few years ago, the driver was barely more than someone that roughly pointed the car where to go and the computers took control of the details. That got boring and too expensive so now many items of automation have been removed and "standard" components supplied to all competing teams.

I'm sure the same thing will happen with gliding - greater and greater automation. At some point a halt is called and all competitors are given a "standard flight computer" that is fitted to their cockpit on the grid each morning and removed as soon as possible after landing. This will bring back driver skill into the equation again.

Justin Couch                                 http://www.vlc.com.au/
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G+                                                       WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
 Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
 a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
 distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
 frames or one frame for many lights?"      -Subcomandante Marcos
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