On 7 Feb 2017, at 7:34 AM, Richard Frawley <rjfraw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> snarkiness???
> its that what exposing some reality is called?

He has a job to do.

He’s doing the opposite of the job.

> john might not be very PC and the way he expressed things could have been a 
> little more sensitive,

“PC”?  “Sensitive”?  Turn it up, mate, nobody asked for those things.

> but there was also a lot of reality in what he imparted.  Looks to me like a 
> lot of healthy discussion as one result.

The same “healthy discussion” that’s been going on for at least 20 years.

It’ll peter out into nothingness in due course, and the GFA will decline to do 
anything about it.

Then something else will spark its resumption in a year or so, and the same 
points will be made again.

This isn’t new discussion with unique insights, it’s boring, repetitive, and 
demoralizing to cover the same territory over and over again for decades. There 
is clearly appetite within the GFA membership for the outcomes that have been 
discussed here, but no momentum whatsoever within the hierarchy to achieve them.


> I don't think he deserved such punitive and heavy handedness, and trying to 
> gag a marketing guy of all people has to be red rag to a bull.
> Shuttering a core social media channel does not look that clever either.

He’s a volunteer, doing a job he’s supposed to enjoy.

If he isn’t enjoying it, or isn’t doing a good job of it, he should stop 
volunteering and hand it over to someone else.

Using his platform to berate everyone else about how hopeless they are is not 
acceptable behavior.

  - mark

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