On  9 Apr, Mike Borgelt wrote:
> At 10:47 AM 9/04/02 +1000, you wrote:
>>A well trained glider pilot knows that you will not long maintain 60kts
>>with the nose on or above the horizon. In the regimen I am suggesting,
>>the pilot would be well aware of the correct approach speed attitude
>>(the right one to choose at 350' after a cable break)...
> After a pitch down right after a cable break the attitude can be OK and the
> same as for a normal approach but the airspeed can be too low to sustain 1
> g flight let alone say 1.4 g for a turn. Roll and pull into the turn in
> this situation and the glider will depart into a spin.
> I hope you really understand this.

Jeez Mike

Please go and reread my message. My response was clearly to do with a
cable break on aero-tow - where the speed is above the approach speed -
you are talking about a cable creak on winch launch, where I have
already conceded that you are correct - the ASI is needed.

As a matter of interest, I have close to 1000 winch launches in my log
book, about half of these as an instructor. If I did not understand what
you were talking about, I don't think I (and probably one of my
students) would be around right now...

Robert Hart                                      [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Strategic IT & open source consulting                +61 (0)438 385 533
Brisbane, Australia                         http://www.interweft.com.au

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