At 08:08 PM 4/06/02 +0830, you wrote:
>GFA is, as I understand it, totally responsible for sailplane airworthiness
>under delegation from CASA. CASA, as I understand it, do not issue sailplane
>AD's, AN's etc. They probably receive a copy of each from GFA and someone in
>that bureaucracy files it somewhere. As I understand it, the glider
>manufacturer communicates directly with GFA regarding airworthiness matters
>with CASA not involved in the loop - except as above.

I haven't noticed that the GFA has an Airworthiness system that functions
except to collect money. Gliders remain airworthy in this country because
of the efforts of the individuals who do the work and the inspections. Try
to get a hold of the Whitsundays Blanik story.

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