On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 21:35:29 +1030, you wrote:

> Anthony Smith wrote:
>>I recall some one mentioning an Iranian two-seater before and said it looked
>>suspiciously like an ASK-21 copy.
> I see in its specs that the usable load is 180kg. Take instruments, 
> battery, tie-down kit and other odds and sods from that weight and it 
> doesn't leave a lot left for the generous size aussies that frequent the 
> airfield these days. So that leaves you to fly it solo or fly it 
> overweight  like I imagine how most Blaniks et al are used these days.

Battery, tie-down kit and instruments are normally included during the
weighing of the glider. The usable cockpit load only includes the
pilots, parachutes, water bottles, lunch, maps etc.
Cheers,  John G.
(With some TIF candidates though, even the seat load limit of 110 kg
is exceeded. Whether the club decides to still accept such passengers
or not, is their informed choice.)JHG
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