I have sucessfully tested in XCSoar, driving a mobile phone via
bluetooth to send and receive SMS messages.  This works fine.

The catch:

CDMA, which is really most useful for longer distance glider flights, is
being phased out by Telstra and the 3G technology is NOT nearly as good
in remote areas.

I did my testing with GSM mobile phones.

Anyhoo, it's doable.

John Wharington

On Thu, 2005-12-08 at 09:43, Robert Hart wrote:
> Ken Dawber wrote:
> > I'm sure that changing gliding competitions towards or creating 
> > technology towards making gliding competitions more of a spectator 
> > spectacle would be a great help to the sport.
> >
> >  Since the new FLARM units are consistently outputting each FLARM 
> > equipped gliders height, position and speed vector through out their 
> > flight, how hard would it be to extend this so that a competition 
> > could create real time displays of every gliders height and position 
> > through out the completition.
> >
> > I expect that the output of the Flarm units is nowhere near strong 
> > enough for a single contest base station to pick them up but would it 
> > be realistic to have a number of linked ground based stations 
> > throughout the completition area to create that display.  
> > Alternatively, or in conjunction with, would it be possible to have 
> > specific competition versions that increased the output or also 
> > broadcast the output on a second radio channel in a manner that 
> > allowed fewer base stations to pick it up.
> >
> > Their is no requirement for 100% coverage.  If a real time 
> > completition display kept losing some 10 per cent of the gliders in 
> > specific parts of the course then it would probably increase the fun 
> > of the spectacle.
> >
> > I'm only asking question so I hopefully don't need a  flame suit for 
> > these.
> You certainly don't need a flame suit - a similar idea occurred to me 
> some time ago.
> Unfortunately, FLARM is a short range technology - about 3km for the in 
> glider units (Nigel Andrews has suggested that a ground based receiver 
> with high gain antenna might be able to get 10km).
> However, something like FLARM could be created (Nigel suggested maybe 
> using CDMA phones as the comms mechanism - although the in glider unit 
> only needs to Tx and not Rx) to do just what you suggest.

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