I think it is a great idea ! I have already started to put one up for our club (using infact, mediawiki).

I could easily run one for the larger community as well.


On 21/01/2006, at 14:44, Jason Armistead wrote:


After being a list member for several years, it occurred to me that perhaps it's time we created a Wiki, along the lines of Wikipedia (www.wikipedia.org) where all of us can contribute to the greater knowledge of gliding, instruments, etc. We could also host historical competition records, pilot profiles, etc. Almost anything is possible, which I guess explains why Wikipedia's English language version has over 900,000 articles. Give the site a go to see what you can find, and if you have something more to add, go right ahead and edit it !

There are plenty of useful tid-bits of information that are conveyed on the Aus-Soaring list, but no real permanent "home" for this collective knowledge. So, the usual questions about USB to serial converters, instrumentation, tyre sizes, and sources of parts etc. get repeated periodically.

The Mediawiki software upon which Wikipedia is based requires a server running:

(a) Apache httpd web server
(b) PHP scripting language
(c) MySQL database software
(d) the Mediawiki software itself.

All these components are freely available on the Internet and will run on any Unix-ish operating system like Solaris, Linux, FreeBSD, etc. There is also a XAMPP kit for running Apache / PHP / MySQL on Windows providing you disable Microsoft's own IIS component.

Is anyone on this list willing and able to host such a Mediawiki configuration ? I've done it before at work on Windows 2000 using XAMPP, but don't have any sort of permanent internet hosting ability to do this, though I'd be glad to help out a Mediawiki newbie to get it up and running.


Jason Armistead

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