On 22/01/2006, at 19:05, Jason Armistead wrote:
But a lot of information, as it relates to Australian soaring, where to get equipment, etc, (the kind of stuff that gets asked from time to time here on Aus-Soaring) is really not what Wikipedia is all about.

There are no rules for what a wiki is used for. What you described above sounds like a perfect thing for an Australian Wiki.

Someone mentioned that there is already heaps of information on WikiPedia - but that is Encyclopaedic in nature - it is not really the place for details information on wiring diagrams, what wax to use, how to connect a B50 to a Blah etc. They are really quite different.

In the end though, some people only like lists, some like wikis and some only like read only web pages - you can't make it perfect for everyone.

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