David Lawley wrote:

To put it in very simple terms a wiki is an online encyclopedia where you
(The user)and  any other users can add or edit pages at will.
 This has caused many problems on the main wikpedia site due to
slanderous/libellous entries and edits.

... problems which, it must be noted, are not considered outlandish,
unexpected or unduly severe by the Wikipedia editorial team.

i.e., they cope.  It's not that hard.

The threaded forum is a very good idea, far superior to a mailing list such
as this. A threaded forum is a website allows an initail post to the forum
and then replies appear under that particular thread(Or subject)  below the
first entry, enabling one to only follow threads that interest you.

... or you could just tell your mail client to "Sort by thread" and
end up with a result which also matches the description you've posted

if you find an interesting thread you can have the forum automatically mail
you if a comment is added to that thread.

If you're going to receive email whenever someone makes a contribution
anyway, isn't it better to receive the text of their contribution in
the email message instead of a forum URL?

I can't see how web forums can be more efficient than mailing lists.
Both are sorted by thread;  Both allow people interested to carry out
a conversation.  But forums have no spam control, their user-interfaces
are usually total crap, every time you do something on them you
need to put up with HTTP delays, and you can only use them if you have
a live internet connection (so road-warriors carrying laptops can't
catch-up on forum topics while they're travelling, and people paying
by the hour for dialup can't download everything and read it offline).

What benefits do people think web forums have which mailing lists
don't have?

   - mark

I tried an internal modem,                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
     but it hurt when I walked.                          Mark Newton
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