Hi All,

 Yep, your'e dead right Penedo, I apologise to Mark and all the list, I
wrote in a real hurry at work, on the first day back at school, flat
out(still!). I had intended the last post to go directly to Mark not to the

 Incidently to those who don't know, I do know Mark fairly well (and like
him) and have flown with him before, and we have some vigorous conversations
on the subject of Tech matters in person too! 

Of course on a threaded forum the rest of the list wouldn't have to read
these threads, a better example of the advantages I see in forums would be
difficult to find!

I certainly think the Wiki and Forum is a great idea, and well executed so

This is my last comment on this matter, I promise!

David Lawley
Computer Manager
Elizabeth Park PS Elizabeth East PS
Pennington PS

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Penedo
Sent: Monday, 30 January 2006 5:02 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] Anyone interested in creating a gliding Wiki ?

On 1/30/06, David Lawley <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> With all due respect, What a crock of shit Mark, The Reg was the first
> It still looks like crap!!!

Please people - let's calm down - whatever is your opinion:

1. Nobody forces anybody to use his prefered method.
2. There is nothing to gain from loosing our tempers.

Let's count to ten and review our messages before hitting that "send"
button, OK?



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