I think discussion about whether this email list transforms itself into a Forum is of interest to the group as a whole. I, for one, much prefer an email list, as new items come in whenever I log into my email, and I don't have to fire up my web browser just to find out what has been occurring. Regarding threading, any good email client can display emails in threads if that is the way you would like to display the emails. I personally prefer to just sort by date, so I get all the recent emails together, which avoids scrolling when looking for new emails. I would not like the discussion on whether to use a Forum or an email list to be carried out in some other place which I don't know about.
John G.

Bob Flood wrote:
And I thought I could learn about my sport from this list! Instead I keep
receiving mails about computer geek information I don't understand and in
which I am not interested. For me, a computer and email is a tool that I use
to achieve other objectives. Surely the discussion on the rights and wrongs
of kilobytes IMAP's, du's and mirrors belongs on another forum.
The wiki site, I feel will be of benefit to the gliding community and is to
be encouraged.
I look forward to reading more and more information from this source. The
combined knowledge of the gliding community available freely to all must be
of benefit not only to individuals, but to the sport as a whole. With a
relatively small number of participants spread over such a wide area this
means of storing and disseminating information has to be of value and is to
be encouraged.
In the interim I look forward to reading posts on this list which can help
to add to my personal gliding knowledge base and less about topics that I
would have thought were outside the scope of this discussion group.

Bob Flood


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