Robert Hart wrote


Now - there is a separate issue involving independent operators and the
requirement for a second signature which makes it technically impossible for
such a person to rig their glider and fly it unless there is a second person
with a DI rating around to counter sign the maintenance release. I believe
that this has in the past been discussed in the technical arenas of the GFA,
but no change has resulted.



      I think this issue is academic. The critical mass, the qualifications
and experience required of those attending to make a gliding operation
viable would almost guarantee at least one other person with D.I.
qualifications would be in attendance.


Mike Borgelt wrote


Anyone who inspects or signs for someone else's glider after rigging 

just must be stupid or naive. You leave yourself wide open to both 

criminal and civil actions. 



     yes you could be open for civil action; I do not have legal training  

but my understanding is someone has to prove criminal intent to have
criminal action 

taken against you. As far as conducting inspections are concerned provided
you are trained and qualified, and therefore assessed as competent by others
who are qualified to conduct such assessments you are neither stupid or
naïve, you are conducting normal business in the same way a Surgeon, LAME,
motor mechanic or electrician does on a daily basis. You as the owner also
have a responsibility to take care who is asked to conduct your nspections. 



        During your research could you establish is Form 2 inspectors etc
covered by the GFA insurance policy against such potential action in the
same way Instructors and Tug Pilots are. (maybe someone in the forum already
knows the answer) 






-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert Hart
Sent: Friday, 12 January 2007 8:37 AM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] DI ?


Mike Borgelt wrote:

> Give us a break!


> It points up the need to rig the glider properly in the first place, 

> admittedly something that's difficult to do at many gliding clubs with 

> stupid interruptions by people who should know better.


> Anyone who inspects or signs for someone else's glider after rigging 

> just must be stupid or naive. You leave yourself wide open to both 

> criminal and civil actions.

I think this is a bit over the top.


First of all, there is the issue of club (and for that matter, syndicate 

owned) gliders - when they are rigged there is not just one owner whose 

life is on the line - there are many people who will fly that glider (or 

in the case of TIFs, fly in it). It seems eminently reasonable to check 

that the DI has correctly connected everything in those circumstances. 

Do I, as an instructor, wish to fly in a club glider that has not been 

checked for correct rigging: no!


Secondly, I know I make mistakes - and that others around me do so as 

well. Having a second set of eyes make sure that everything is connected 

properly seems a really good idea to me. As an older glider, Alice has 8 

Hoteliers (with two different sorts of safety lock) and 3 wing pins 

(with two different sorts of safety locks). I know /from experience/ 

that it is quite possible to mis-insert the safety locks on the outer 

wing panel pins resulting in an unlocked wing pin!


Having someone check my work, or checking someone else's reduces the 

risk of getting airborne with a mis-rigged glider: which to me seems a 

really good idea.


Now - there is a separate issue involving independent operators and the 

requirement for a second signature which makes it technically impossible 

for such a person to rig their glider and fly it unless there is a 

second person with a DI rating around to counter sign the maintenance 

release. I believe that this has in the past been discussed in the 

technical arenas of the GFA, but no change has resulted.


I'll try and find out what is happening on this issue.



Robert Hart                                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

+61 (0)438 385 533                 




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